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PEP Talk
Discover how we can consider People, Environment & Prosperity in every decision, every day, ensuring the outcome is addressing the root cause, improving the situation and creating a meaningful ripple effect.
Life Map
Start Your Journey With This Free Online Survey If we want to make a change – it’s best to start with ourselves… Where is your life at the moment? Where would you like it to be? What actions can you take to be where you want to be? Navigate the change with supporting ideas and resources.
Book a Zoom Call
Talk to Helen direct to find out how the Decision Design process could assist you and your situation.
Time Management Mistakes
10 Common Time Management Mistakes
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
12 Time Wasters
Find out what the top 12 time wasters are so you can learn to avoid them.
Family Check-in
Create a practice of leadership qualities as a family to help all members of the family learn about relationships and how they can make a difference together.
Good Questions For Kids
10 Growth mindset questions to ask your kids at the dinner table
Improving Love
Dr John Gottman’s 7 Principles of Successful Relationships
Plan Profit First
Improve your financial fitness – make each dollar count