Decision alignment for Decision Makers

For Decision Makers in Organisations – Boards, Not for Profits, For Profit, Business teams, Local Councils, Sports Clubs & Community Organisations.

  • Is your company or organisation wanting to be genuine in its efforts to deliver Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) outcomes?
  • Does your organisation want great people to stay?
  • Does your organisation want to be known for its culture and social license?

Do your policies/implementation align with your Values? 

“Only 10% of organisations operationalise their values into teachable and observable behaviours” (Brene Brown- Dare to Lead)

How is your organisation tracking?                                             

Welcome to Decision Design for Decision Makers

Providing you with a Decision Tool that delivers on;

–  Considering ESG outcomes with every decision

–  Integrate your Values and ESG initiatives into your culture, policies & reporting

–  Creating the right conditions so your People can enjoy being at their best 

–  Building your authentic organisational culture & social license.

-Know WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it-

With Decision Design your decisions will- solve the root cause- enabling; the environment, your teams culture & governance to thrive with every decision.

As CEO of the charity Carbon8, I have had the pleasure of working with Helen Lewis from Decision Design Hub. Helen guided the charity’s board and team through a strategic management process, facilitating a deep dive into our resources, products, and marketing, from which we created Carbon8’s context aligning our values with actions. Now we have a decision framework that considers our environmental, social impact and governance requirements. (ESG)

The process has been invaluable, setting us up for success by envisioning our future, ensuring alignment with our purpose, and simplifying the board and team decision making process. It’s made a huge difference, accelerating strategic development.  I am very grateful to have Helen’s guidance and wisdom.

Alida Milani A/CEO Carbon8 2022.

  Decision Design for Organisations – the Approach;

  • Seek Values from staff and volunteers  through to Board level
  • Create the Business Context – the Values and the Preferred Future for the organisation.
  • Work up  the Business Systems and behaviours required to bring the values to life  & ‘operationalise’ them.
  • Refer to the Business Context for all decisions that run through the Integrated Decision Tool that checks the -facts, the culture, future, present, root cause, People, Environment and Prosperity (ESG)
  • Monitor the decision- early & often.

(This process is custom-designed for each organisation and should be reviewed annually to reflect the change and development that has occurred in the organisation)

The Result:

                                Making a genuine, reportable difference in all your endeavours, engaged staff/ volunteers, internal- proactive management, external- social license. Your organisation will be transparent- what it is doing and why it is doing it.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
-Albert Einstein 

Organisational Values that are demonstrated by the actions of an organisation -will make all the difference.